
3 large red onions
1 pod garlic / 5-6 pips garlic
2" ginger
B - grind and keep separately
3 stalks lemon grass
2 large tomatos
4-5 Small fish called silver whiting or ikan bulus in Malay
2 dry tamarind pieces (assam keping)
1 cup coconut milk
2-3 tbsp chili powder
1 turmeric leaf (optional)
2 lime leaves (gives it additional flavour but can be omitted)
salt and sugar to taste
1 cup water
Saute ingredient A in hot oil till fragrant.
Add tamarind pieces, chili powder, water and ingredient B.
Bring to boil and the add salt and sugar to taste.
Add the turmeric and lime leaves.
Put in the fish and bring to boil once more.
Add coconut milk.
After once last boil, switch off the fire and leave to stand for about 1/2 hour.
Serve hot with rice and vegetables and even fried silver whiting.
Note: Coconut milk can be replaced with low fat milk for a healthier option. The sambal fish curry as its name suggest is reddish and has a sweet-sour-spicy taste.